Pray for Each Other.
Heavenly Father,
We praise You and thank You for all of the gifts and talents You've bestowed upon us. Please help us to use these talents for good, always glorifying You so our good works are a testimony to Your love for us. Help us to be selfless, thinking of others and treating them as we would like to be treated. In Jesus' name. Amen.
Dear God,
We thank You for making us unique. There is only one YOU. And there is only one US! Please be with us as we navigate feelings of inferiority. We are more than good enough because we are Yours! Help us to never compare ourselves to others--but to always be the best US You made us to be. Help us to persevere in all situations with confidence and humility, honoring Your path for us in all we do and say. In Jesus' name. Amen.
Lord Jesus,
People are hurting. We see it all around us. We know You hurt when we hurt; but sometimes we need a loving reminder that You are present in all things good and difficult. As we let down our guard, may the comfort of Your Holy Spirit immerse our very being. May we be comforted in our hurt and sorrow, knowing You are here, and may we be ever-trusting that You will bring us through this time and that in the end, Your presence will be completely undeniable. Amen.
Dear God,
Thank You for this day. We glorify You in all things great and small. We praise You in this moment, this time--knowing it's You who holds the world--and holds us. In Jesus' name. Amen.
Our Father in Heaven,
We know You are present. Hear us as we cry out, "Come Lord Jesus!" May the very essence of You permeate us to the point of childlike faith; faith that passes all understanding as we face yet another challenge. We love You. We thank You for Your ever-present faithfulness. May our faith be so humble as to put You ahead of us--always--in all things and at all times. In Jesus' name. Amen.
Heavenly Father,
You are amazing! You give us so much. Help us to awaken with gratitude each day. Teach us to remain positive, thankful and full of joy. You are the joy-maker, the One who sets our path when there are so many distractions that lead us away from the path. May You order our steps and keep us in Your grace, and may we be ever-grateful for the freedom You give us to choose joy. In Jesus' name. Amen.
Pray for Our Charities.
Lord in Heaven,
Sometimes we just don't have the words and we cry out to You, "Why?" But, as adversity strikes, You send angels among us who care beyond belief and organize charities to feed the hungry, provide clean water, ease human suffering, and yes, share the gospel of Jesus Christ. Help us to be selfless and GIVE--without giving it a second thought. Just as You always provide for us, help us to provide our time, talents and resources to others, willingly, and with a cheerful heart. In Jesus' name. Amen.
Dear God,
We give You thanks for all people who volunteer, giving their time, talents and treasures to those in need. It's never been about us. It's about seeing the need and reaching out to help. And it's about You, Father, bringing us to this place and teaching us to open our eyes and our hearts--and to help where we can. Thank You for those who organize charities, providing us ways to assist that we might miss if not for them. Bless them and bless these charities. In Jesus' name. Amen.
Pray for Our Nation.
Heavenly Father,
You ask us to pray for our leaders and our nation. Sometimes, we don't feel like doing it. We see dishonesty or perhaps someone with whom we disagree. Teach us to not make it about us, but to pray for those in leadership. Regardless of our opinions, let us be people of peace, encouragement, faith and respect. When we are discouraged, let us bring it back to love--loving one another as You have taught us to do and loving You with our whole heart. In Jesus' name. Amen.